Gehrts, Meg (1915/1996)

A Camera Actress in the Wilds of Togoland: The Adventures, Observations & Experiences of a Cinematograph Actress in West African Forests whilst Collecting Films Depicting Native Life and when Posing as the White Woman in Anglo-African Cinematograph Dramas. With an Introduction by Major H. Schomburgk. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & London: Seeley, Service & Co. This is available on-line here

This is an interesting, well-illustrated memoir about the expedition led by Hans Schomburgk while making Im Deutschen Sudan, as well as an number of ethnodramas in which Miss Gehrts was the star. In 1996, a French translation was published by the Université du Bénin which can be read on-line here

Lechleitner, Franz (1999)

Technology of the first recordings. Sound Documents from the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Complete Historical Collections 1899-1950. Series 1 – The First Expeditions to Croatia, Brazil and the Isle of Lesbos. Accompanying booklet, pp. 14-16. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

Lechleitner, Gerda (1999)

On the oldest recordings in the Phonogrammarchiv. In the CD collection, Sound Documents from the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Complete Historical Collections 1899-1950. Series 1 – The First Expeditions to Croatia, Brazil and the Isle of Lesbos. Accompanying booklet, pp. 12-13. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

Nevermann, Hans (1939)

Aus dem Leben der Kate auf Deutsch-Neuguinea. Aufnahmen aus dem Jahre 1909. Erläuterung zu dem gleichnamigen Film von Dr. R. Neuhauss. Veröffentlichung der Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm zu dem Archivfilm, no. B511, pp.1-7

This is a companion text to the film on the Kate of New Guinea by Richard Neuhauss. It was written some twenty years after Neuhauss’ death in 1915 by Hans Nevermann of the Berlin Ethnographic Museum and also a distinguished German Melanesianist. It can be  accessed here.

Bryson, Ian (2002)

Bringing to Light: a history of ethnographic filmmaking at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander Studies. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.

© 2018 Paul Henley