The Matto Grosso Expedition. Brazil, 1931. Expedition 60(3): 38-47.
Available on-line here
A Resource for the Study of Early Ethnographic Film
The Matto Grosso Expedition. Brazil, 1931. Expedition 60(3): 38-47.
Available on-line here
Primitive Peoples of Matto Grosso. An Account of Archaeological and Ethnological Field Work at the Headwaters of the Paraguay and Xingu Rivers in Matto Grosso, Brazil. During 1931. The Museum Journal 23(2): 84-173
Available on-line here
Green Hell: Adventures in the Mysterious Jungles of Eastern Bolivia. New York and London: Century
Available on-line here
From Vues to Ethnofiction : French Ethnographic Filmmaking in Africa before Jean Rouch. Visual Anthropology 33 (1) : 32-80.
This is a much expanded and illustrated version of an article published in French in the Journal des africanistes in 2017
Beyond observation : a history of authorship in ethnographic film.
Manchester : Manchester University Press.
The first two chapters of this book (pp. 28-112) concern films of ethnographic interest made prior to the Second World War.
Free download here
Samoyedic Diary: Early Years of Visual Anthropology in the Soviet Arctic. Visual Anthropology 29 (4-5): 331-359.
Le ‘documentaire’ ethnographique en Océanie. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 5(5): 117-144.
See also Rouch and Salzmann, eds, 1970, pp. 281-287.
Patrick OʹReilly (1900–1988): Bibliographer of the Pacific. In Hugh Laracy, Watriama and Co. : Further Pacific Portraits, pp.257-265. ANU Press.
Available through jstor here.
Alfred Machin, de la jungle à l’écran. Paris: Dreamland.
Arquivos colonais e representações da alteridade nos documentários do Estado Novo. O caso das imagens en movimento da Cinemateca Digital. In Jorge Seabra, ed., Cinemas en português. Moçambique: Auto e Heteroperceções, pp. 101-116. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.