7:54 mins., b&w (tinted), silent
Source : Penn Museum, viewable on-line here
Initial dances are series of performances for the camera, seemingly in some public location (at a museum perhaps?). Subsistence activities (pounding grain, smelting metal) in village seem less contrived. Nice shot of teenage girls attending to one another’s hair. Also of young couple washing in a stream. Followed by sequences of mock combat, musical performance, women working in the fields and carrying produce home on their heads, locusts, men sitting by a large jar (?), harvesting of grain by hand.
Information from Penn Museum:
Photographed by Charles Martin and produced by Dean C. Worcester. It may be that the footage here has been re-assembled and cut by unknown parties over the years.
Location: Cordillera (region);
Groups: Bontoc, Igorot, Ifugao, Kalinga.