Works by A. C. Haddon:
- (1890). "The ethnography of the western tribe of Torres Strait". In: Journal of the Antrhopological Institute. 19 pp. 297-440.
- (1890). "Manners and customs of the Torres Straits Islanders". In: Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Great Britain.
- (1899). "The Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits and Sarawak". In: Nature. August 31.
- (1901). Headhunters, Black, White and Brown. London: Methuen and Co.
- (1909-1935). Reports of the Torres Strait Expedition. 6v. London: Cambridge University Press.
- (1928). "The cult of the Waiet in the Murray Islands, Torres Straits". In: Mem. Queensland Museum. IX.
Works about A. C. Haddon:
- de Bromhead, Toni (1993). "The Haddon rushes: the first anthropologist
behind a camera". In: Yearbook of visual anthropology. 1942-1992: fifty
years after "Balinese Character" (ed.) P. Chiozzi. Florence: Angelo
Pontecorboli Editore for the Commission of Visual Anthropology (IUAES).
- Fegan, E. S. (1978). Bibliography of A. C. Haddon 1855-1940. Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
- Long, Chris and Pat Laughren (1993). "Australia's first films: facts and
fables. Part six: Surprising survivals from Colonial Queensland". In: Cinema
Papers 96: 32-37; 59-61.
- Moore, D. R. (1984). The Torres Strait collections of A. C. Haddon: a descriptive catalogue. London: British Museum Publications.
- Quiggin, A. H. (1942). Haddon the Headhunter: a short sketch of the life of A. C. Haddon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Works about the Torres Strait:
- Beckett, J. (1987). Torres Strait islanders: custom and colonialism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Boiga: our history and culture. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
- Cooper, C. (1989). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections in overseas museums. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
- Hall, R. A. (1989). The Black Diggers: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Second World War. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
- Hilder, B. (1980). The Voyage of Torres: the discovery of the southern coastline of New Guinea and Torres Strait by Captain Luis Baez de Torres in 1606. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
- Jukes, J. B. (1847). Narrative of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly. 2v. London: T & W Bone.
- Sharp, N. (1993). Stars of Tagai: the Torres Strait Islanders. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
- Taylor, P. (ed.) (1988). After 200 Years: photographic essays of Aboriginal and Islander Australia today. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with the Aboriginal Studies Press.
Films about the Torres Strait:
- Calvert, Frances (1990). Talking broken: a portrait of the Torres Straits
Islanders. Kuratorium junger deutcher film/Channel 4: Germany/London,
colour, 90 mins.
- Singer, André (1986). Everything is relatives. [Strangers Abroad]. Central
Television: London, colour, 50 mins.
Electronic Resources on the Torres Strait: